Saturday 26 January 2008

Week 15- The Game Industry

Currently the gaming industry appears to be very profitable with a greater amount of people playing games than ever before. This is mostly due to more family-friendly games becoming available through consoles like the Wii and DS.

The structure of games development is different depending on what company you go to but the basics are the same. A guest lecturer from Sega Rally explained that different roles are assigned depending on how important they are. If several objects have to be made for the game but it would save the company time, they often outsource to other companies which means that they will make several objects within the game but are not part of the same development team.

The main diciplines in terms of Art include: Modeller, World Builder, Front End Artist, Special FX Artist, Animator and Concept Artist. They are then guided by a Senior/Principle Artist. Programmers then take what has been created and make all the gameplay mechanics of the game. Programmers and Artists are under the Game Director or Producer.

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