Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Mini High Poly WIP

Will work on the wheels and small details tommorow and then I will move to optimising and unwrapping the low poly. I just hope it will bake ok in the end!... if not I may just make a diffuse and specular and forget the normals as most of the details are actually already contained in geometry.

Today, after looking at some more examples of vehicle models I have realised a few things that I would do differently next time. I would use booleon more often to get more precise sections of detail. This time I modelled it by pushing and pulling vertices and it was inefficient and inaccurate. However, so far I am pleased with the results so far.

Car base finished

Will now move on to creating a low and high poly from this. Considering this model is still below 10,000 tris it should be alright with only a few adjustments to make it slightly more efficient. I will make the interior also but may not spend too much time on it as I want to get this finished before the end of the week.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Main shape sorted... now for the details...

Thursday, 24 September 2009


There is alot of geometry in there that can be removed later on but i want to keep it there for the time being. Going pretty well so far I think. Will definately try and finish modelling this base model by Saturday.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Mini Beginnings

2 days casual work so far. just hitting 3000 tris atm. This model will be used both to create the higher poly and it will be optimised to create the lower. This workflow seems to work quite well for me. For my low poly I am aiming to finish in under 10,000 tris just like Heather told us.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Garden Completed

Garden Progress

All that is left to do is to hide the background with some bushes and texture the trowel :) Will do that now

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Portfolio stuff

Garden environment. A section of my Mum and Dad's back garden and a corner scene. Started this tonight and I will have finished the modelling stage by tommorow.