Sunday 30 November 2008

Going Crazy?

Last night I learnt a valuable lesson.

Yesterday I slept until mid-day, which was a much needed sleep. I did this with the knowledge that the following evening (last night) i would be giving out hot drinks at the student union with the others from the Christian Union. This was so that as people came out of clubs they could have a hot drink and a sandwhich so that we could show a little love and get some great convos going with people.

Now the problem with that was that it was going to be at 2 in the morning... and so as it came to late evening I decided to watch the film Brazil with my house mate and then make my way to bed for a little sleep before I went out. This is where I made a grave mistake. Brazil is a very surreal and slightly disturbing film. I went to sleep for a couple of hours only to wake up not knowing where I was... what was real or even WHO I was. The combination of surreal ideas being planted in my head and lack of any kind of decent sleep or sleeping pattern resulted in me feeling a little bit crazy.

The moral of the story... sleep well, at regular times and don't watch weird films before bed or you may wake up as confused as I did!

Learning from this... I am off to bed... without any strange images of Bob Hoskins in my head. Yes it is as weird as it sounds.

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