Wednesday 24 June 2009

The best powercut ever!!

A few nights ago I was happily sitting on my laptop as usual watching a few programs on BBCi and checking my facebook like I always do when suddenly everything electrical in the house died. It took me a few moments to realise that we had experienced a powercut. Slightly confused I went to chat to my parents who by this point were talking to the neighbours out of the window about the situation laughing and joking.

Now this wouldn't seem like such an unusual situation, this I can understand. However, it made me so aware of the amount of social ability we lose due to technology. I could have been spending time with my parents or even friends but I had chosen to sit on my computer for a couple of hours. What shocked me even more was that we don't talk to most of our neighbours and yet the entire street seemed united in friendly conversation which seemed to be so against the way things usually are.

I didn't know what to do once the electricity was off... that is what freaked me out the most. I had no idea how to entertain myself without electricity beyond playing a bit of guitar. I found myself sitting in the garden listening to the trees blowing in the wind, something I had never really sat and appreciated before. It was so quiet! How often in life do we let absolute silence happen? It has made me realise how important it is for us. I felt rested and like I had done something that my body really needed to relax rather than just sitting in front of a series of images hoping for the odd laugh.

Not only that but I went to bed early because my body actually could tell what time it was, bed time! Will somebody remind me why we rely on technology so much? Try not turning on anything electrical one night and doing something else, it changes everything. Whether or not you enjoy the experience, it will definately make you think.


David said...

Nice. I certainly agree that we rely on technology too much. Although, it would take quite a lot to voluntarily give it all up...

Dave said...

Walking alone at night is the best time to experience silence.

wicksy said...

I know what you mean, we had no power in our house for 2 days a few months back, was great fun, but did get scarey with no lights...fear of the unknow i guess.

If you want a great silent experience find a beach that gets really low tides and walk out for a couple of hundred metres, its like walking across a silent, damp desert...very sureal!

Si said...

Actually have done that one! lol the beach thing is amazing. Went to a beach that looks across to scotland from england and it was sooo quiet! Amazing. Great sunset too!