Tuesday 16 October 2007


Welcome to my blog!! Im very new to "expressing myself". So basically i thought id start putting little things that I love onto this page.

Im a bit of a gamer... surprise surprise!! I have always loved games and got over excited when talking about them. I am a major Nintendo Fan-Boy and to be honest i'm proud! Nothing ever beats a good Zelda game or a blast on Metroid for 3 hours in a row.

For a long time i've been a massive fan of martial arts and martial arts films. Growing up myself and my friend from across the road would always try to learn to fight in new and over-the-top ways often kicking each other to a pulp (it was all good fun until one of us broke our ribs!!!). We both joined a Thai Boxing club when we were about 16 and I've loved it ever since and have become interested in any form of self defence available and I'm always looking to learn new things. Love it!

Finally, one of my great passions is playing acoustic guitar. Personally I've never found a better wat to relax. Recently I have been trying to think of the perfect music for a game and have become interested in what music works in different situations and what hasn't really been done before.

I may be writing a lot more about these topics in the future!

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