Monday 12 January 2009


My day today has been quite uneventful and started with the realisation that any time before 9 O’clock simply does not exist, even when I am awake... The sheer levels of grumpiness became a muttering storm of grumbles and childish whining. Today I had to be up early in order to give in my presentation of my work for this term and I can barely remember doing it. At some point one day I am going to have to consider changing my sleeping habits and actually grow up a bit.

I was thinking today about what I am actually going to do with my life. After leaving university I don’t have many initial options beside trying my best to get a job at a games company. Besides that I could choose to do another Art related job or something creative: Or I could look into a completely new career and use the qualifications I have gained in order to get into this new career. The more I think about it the more I realise that the most likely scenario is that I will at some point be doing something completely new that has nothing to do with the course I am attending at this period in time.

If I intend to get into the games industry then I have to realise that I am going to have to move and that could be complicated if I have things tying me to Leicester or the surrounding areas. Ultimately I don’t want to be defined by my career but by the way I live my life and so I am not too paranoid about ending up with a job that I didn’t originally intend to have. It could be good for me! Who knows what God has planned for me.

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best possible pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to control.” - Psalm 32 vs.8+9

A large part of my learning this year has been realising that I could end up in any place in the near future. I have ended up confronting my largest fear of playing music in front of people and I now thoroughly enjoy doing it. This is all due to God challenging me by presenting me with the opportunity to coordinate worship at Christian Union and it has changed me completely for the better.

My life could take any direction and I have to learn to adapt and mature in the correct ways. I found myself filling in a series of forms today and arranging filing systems… a process I always used to associate with my super-organised Dad. I would often wonder how he could sit and do his jobs for hours and find satisfaction in completing them but now I realise that you learn to do these things simply because you have to: or because you have failed before.

University has been a series of adaptations and I feel that when I leave they will continue until the day I die: I will constantly have to deal with new ways of living and possibly new careers. I guess the point I am trying to make here is that I will adapt to whatever good and bad things happen in the future. Some may think that not getting your target job would be a failure: However I think that the real failure would be not applying yourself to be the best that you can be, no matter what happens, good or bad.

“Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. He will not permit the Godly to slip and fall.” Psalm 55 vs.22


Daniel Hoang said...

Sorry I took so long to get around to reading it Si!

It's true we have to accept that the ups and downs of life are tied together like day and night, no path is unobstructed! I only really truly learned this towards the end of last year.

"Success simply means bringing quality into the present moement, the steps we are taking right now"

This site really helped me over the holiday period :)

This is my favourite post about static goals vs dynamic goals!

Daniel Hoang said...

Oh and I forgot to mention, your music is one of the most wonderful things I've heard! And I absolutely mean that! We'll have to do more stuff soon :D

Si said...

Thanks Dan thats really wise. I will have a read of that post.

I really appreciate the encouragement you give me with both my music and my work :). Yea we will have to have another recording! I've got some new stuff! :D